old stuff...

All consciousness is linked at some level. 

There's some kind of switchboard that transmits a frequency that we are all tapped into and it is through this that we manifest a collective, agreed upon, reality. The reason for it is so that we as the singular form of consciousness in the infinite abyss may experience just what we are. 

Imagine being a speck floating in endless blackness. Would you realize that you exist with nothing or no one to compare yourself to? What good is infinite knowledge when there is nothing to know? 

This is why we separated ourselves. We broke down into a billion pieces. We became dimensional. We folded in on ourselves and all the way out for as far as we could conceive and this is how we've come to know ourselves as something. We are all god at some level and every life experienced through out the history of the universe adds to our knowledge of our self. When we die we go back into everything....the experiences of our individual ego/soul/will are recorded for posterity. Our energy is recycled and born back into the material world to gain another life's worth of influence. 

This is how we evolve into ever more complex organisms..ironically, with a sense a of divine intelligence. 

The proof in this lies in the observation of societies as a whole. The fact that we go through periods of renaissance says a lot. Periods of great intolerance and oppression are followed by rebellion and upheaval which are in turn followed by leaps of creative and technological advancement. Non-human nature follows this same pattern of evolution on a different scale, as do individuals as they make breakthroughs and overcome obstacles in their daily lives. Then we get ahead of ourselves and blow something up so to speak and the cycle starts again but always with knowledge of what has come before. 

And thusly the creation perpetuates and distills, seeking cyclically to become worthy of its own divinity.


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