just pondering the infinite...

Imagine for a moment, that every individual living creature on this planet with it's immense variables of types are really just perceptual recorders...a variety of sophisticated optic nerve fibers of some immense and far more complex being's eyeball.

Imagine accepting all of our existence since the beginning of time in one magnificent translated image to the brain of something that is able to see all of it at once.

I can see it sometimes...all of us tiny dancing fibers moving in chaotic unison, reacting to outside stimulous like fields of wheat rippled by the wind. 

...And in the blink of that eye every tid bit of knowledge and wisdom, pain, survival, evolution, invention, emotion is recieved and translated by that big ass brain.

...And then the eye opens again to a whole new world....same optic fibers/souls/perceptual recorders...whole new world. This is how I think of God. ....then imagine that this is what god looks like:
And this guy's vision is actually somewhat rudimentary in comparison to the multitude of other creatures it shares it's world with. This is how I see the universe.

This is how I interpret the statement "as above, so below."

This concept first occured to me when I noticed how similar trees look to nerve endings....and it's comforting to think this same concept has been occurring to all sorts of individuals through out time in some form or another.....even before we knew what nerve endings looked like.

"A Magus cannot be ignorant because he needs only ask and knowledge is given him. While he leans on religion he is not weighed down thereby. He is never in want, for the plenitude of nature supplies his every need. He welcomes pleasure, accepts wealth, deserves honor but is never the slave of any of them. He knows how to be poor, how to abstain; how to suffer, and he endures oblivion willingly because he is Lord of his own happiness and expects and fears nothing. The true disciple can love without being beloved; he can create imperishable treasure and exalt himself above the level of heights that worldy honors bestow. He possesses that which he seeks. He regrets nothing that must end, but remembers with satisfaction that he has met only good in it all."---Dr. Charles W. Littlefield

"It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people."
-Giordano Bruno-personal hero, burned at the stake as a heretic, martyr for science and Hermeticism
also responsible for the most awesome last words ever: "You pronounce sentence upon me with greater fear than I receive it."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Peace. Nice Littlefield quote. He must have gotten that from E. Levi.


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