Am I a Witch?

 I don't have any problems with the word witch and I guess by the standards of any time period through history I probably qualify as one. But if I were to give myself a title of some kind it would be something more along the lines of a mystic or a shaman. My spells are more like prayers and generally have to do with releasing some feeling I don't want to hold on to or asking to bring something I need into my life. It's usually pretty improvised. I do know quite a bit about herbs and planetary correspondences. What phases of the moon are good for this or that. I can dispel most ghosts and various unwanted psychic entities. Ok I’m a witch.

So the difference I think is that I leave a lot of room for what I think of as my higher or guiding spirit. I think all of us have a part of our souls that knows exactly what we came here to learn and what bullshit we'll need to go through to learn it. So I try not to intervene with that. If I'm supposed to be broke right now maybe it's because I needed to learn to save my money better. If this terrible thing happens maybe it's because there's something this higher part of myself is trying to get across. It's a very judeo-Christian mindset but they don't hold the patent and I wasn't raised in that religion so I don't know exactly where I got this idea from. Its one of the things that seems to have always been there. Probably instilled by my mom who has been pretty strongly influenced by eastern Buddhist and Hindu philosophy and went to catholic school as a child. She's always pushed the golden rule and to think of everyone as your brother or sister.

So when some people do spells they're not really taking that into account. And I know I had some stages in my teens where I got very dark and felt very isolated from the world but we do that to ourselves. We create our own hells and make ourselves adversaries of the world. There is evil. I don't deny that but I think it comes from being cut off from that higher part.

I acknowledge that everyone has access to the higher part of themselves and that at some level we are all connected and made of the same big soul that's just experiencing every possible aspect of existence through the interactions of our individual identities. Evil and darkness and isolation happen when we find ways to justify placing our egos above the needs of the higher spirit which is connected and will provide if you have the patience to allow it. I learned this the hard way as I went through a clepto phase in my early teens and led me down a pretty dark path. When you steal, even just for fun, you're intervening with that connection by taking a fate you didn't earn into your own hands.

When you have an enemy there's a reason for it. That person is considered a worthy and respected opponent because they've managed to bring out a strong emotion. And while in the moment I may be angry enough to want to destroy another person, the higher part of myself, understands the purpose of that interaction even when I don't. So with the knowledge that at some level my enemy is a part of me I try to disentangle myself from the feelings i harbor instead of seeking to destroy something or someone else...and if that doesn't work I ask that they be removed from my life in whatever way the higher spirit sees most fair and fit.


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