Historical Symbolism of Electromagnetic Polarity within Humans

In many ancient traditions it is suggested that there is some form of polarity within the human body that when balanced and harnessed enables the being to:
A) enter a state of higher consciousness relative to a level of omnipresence or omnipotence.
B)execute "miraculous" healing abilities on one's self and others.
C)transcend space, time and dimension
D)manifest an alternate perception of reality
E) achieve immortality.
In these varying traditions the right hand is always associated with the positive magnetic force i.e. active, masculine, positive. And the left hand is always receptive, feminine, negative.
So in traditional artistic symbolism any time one sees a staff, wand, sceptor, sword (or any phallic symbol) in the right hand while there is a cup, crown, (sometimes a flower like a rose) or anything of a circular nature in the left hand, then the intention of the image is to represent these principles within the individual holding them. The term "right hand of God" invokes this principle, and it is no accident that the "left hand path" is used to infer negative connotation, often describing those that follow Lucifer(the universal antagonist) or have rejected the light for the darkness etc. This has ultimately been used as a propaganda tactic to unite people against a common enemy which often came in the form of feared or unwanted progress. It is a grievous bastardization of a symbolism that was intended to represent the duality within nature, the cosmos and each individual. It can also be seen as a rejection of the feminine aspect of God.

Most eastern religions respect the balance and usefulness of these opposing forces but this has not been the case in western traditions in which good must always conquer evil and in doing so negligently take on the characteristics that they believe they are fighting and so despise in others. The rejection of the negative/feminine/receptive aspect of God and the individual led to a schism in western religion, and subsequently society. It turned mystics into occultists and saints into heretics. This schism is essentially what created the need for the occult as it drove underground anyone who did not reject the same concepts that the majority had. I personally believe that it has been used for the last 2,000 years as a tactic to incite and justify violence in the masses as a means to whatever end suited the needs of church and country at the time. This is why western religions have concentrated their efforts in conquering rival dogmas that threaten their own as opposed to creating practical, applicable techniques that elevate consciousness. This is not to say there were no groups in the west doing this, they just had to do it very discreetly, passing the knowledge down in the guise of obscure symbolism.


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