Something happened. I went to use the bathroom the other night and discovered a fireworks display going on outside my window. I think there was some kind of pre-fourth of July event at Rowan St. Park. It was amazing so I turned the bathroom light out and sat on the toilet and shat to the brilliant display of colors and felt supremely unique in my experience. I wondered how many other people have ever had the opportunity to shit and watch a live fireworks display at the same time....if it's ever happened... and I thought about all the times that people toss around that tired old remark, "There's nothing new under the sun. Everything's been done before." That statement is so beyond irrelevance that it tickles me. Here's something that's never been done before: No single person has ever accomplished everything there is to do. Eat that you tired jaded old farts. Each person's life experience is completely unique. Granted parallels can be drawn, similarities abound but no one will ever experience this life in exactly the same way that any other individual has. I call on anyone out there to share with me one thing they've done or seen that could possibly be a completely unique undertaking. Chances are we haven't even cleared the tip of the iceberg that is the collective of human experience.

A friend recently shared an interesting story they read somewhere and I will pass it on because I find it relevant to the topic...

We'll skip to the good part...

A man dies...

He stands before God and God says in it's ever so godlike way, "Yeah I see what you did."

Guy stands there sort of baffled by the moment. "So what now?" 

God says, "Well you have to go get recycled, reincarnated...whatever you're calling it these days."

And the guy, somewhat aggravated by God's lack of explanation, says "What? Why? How many times do I have to do this?" 

And God says "Well when you've lived as every person through out the entire history of our existence then you'll understand what it's like to be me."

"Why?" the guy says...again with the questions.

"Because then you'll be me."


The End


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