Beauty and reverence

Earlier today Jason was talking about how the world sucks and everyone is out for themselves. And I said that's not true but I couldn't really elaborate on why. It takes me time to assimilate the proper response but I was thinking about all the beauty in the world and how or why people don't see it sometimes. It's always there same as the ugly stuff but somedays you notice and somedays you don't. So I think this is how it works:

If you can't see the beauty that surrounds you it's because you don't deserve to. If you want to see it all you really have to do is respect/revere the fact that it's in everything. Theres a special emphasis on the words deserve, respect and revere. They're not casually chosen words.

Beauty exists to be revered. Without reverence it's imperceptible.

The same way a rainbow can only be seen if you're standing in the proper place, beauty can only be seen if you are tuned to receive it...and the dial that tunes you in is reverence.

This could also apply to god and to how individuals feel about themselves.

When I speak of beauty I'm not talking about the kind that's bottled and sold to you in magazines and on movie screens. That's not beauty. That's vanity...designed to elicit your envy and keep you wanting.

If you don't believe there's beauty and goodness in the world, then your response to the world is negligent and you do not deserve to receive that particular aspect of the creation...therefore you won't. This rule is constant but it's so simple that our ability to understand it is transient. We get it, then we forget it, something reminds us and it's back again so our ability to receive the beauty around us is ever shifting with our perception...

The key one must attempt to remember is reverence.


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