To the Children of Divine Parents

So I'm reading this book and in it a father takes his new born baby outside one night and dedicates her to her divine parents, Mother Earth and Father Sky because he is a shaman and he understands that he is only one provider of wisdom and protection for her and that she has her own road to travel. 

I liked the idea so much that this morning during my daily meditation, I dedicated myself to these divine parents as well. Now generally when I meditate I envision, with each inward breath, that I am drawing the light from every star into myself, holding it for a moment and transmuting it so to speak. As I exhale I envision this light spreading out of me and encompassing the entire surface of the  earth. I think this is what the Mayans might call "tending the kul." 

It is the way I have meditated since I first started. I don't know where I got it from. But when I started thinking about the earth and the sky as male and female I realized that, in my vision, the stars are like seeds or semen that I draw down to fertilize and inseminate the earth with. I am a farmer of sorts. We all are. It's our role in our relationship  between ourselves and our divine parents...the mother representing the gracious host of our physical reality and the father, the abstract and near intangible gift of higher consciousness. 

This symbiotic triangle is at the core of everything. 

We use the gift of consciousness to sow our relationship with the world. 

If we cast seeds of hate continuously enough, the divine act of creation that is conscious existence can begin to feel like a prison. Some destruction is necessary. Some anger is valid. Some crops must be burnt to replenish the soil or kill a disease before it spreads....but you don't throw the  baby out with the bath water. Or if you do, at least be prepared for the hole it will leave in your life. 

Hate an individual if you must. Burn the bridges to places you've been and never want to see again but when you lash out, without focus, against a whole group, you're casting blind hatred into the world. 

What you sow creates an atmosphere of acceptance or alienation. In this way we are responsible for how the world reacts to us. 

Consumed by the powers of destruction and chaos without balance, one creates a world in which they feel alien, suspicious and  threatened by strangers who would otherwise pay them no mind as they are mostly consumed with their own lives...

...that is until they notice you seething with a random hatred that makes them feel threatened and defensive. We all effect each other and the world whether we want to or not. 

We can not always choose the way we effect others...but we can choose the way they effect us. 


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