God....what is it specifically?

I think of god as the motivating force within each atom that decides how many electrons it’s going to pull into orbit.

But god isn’t just the nucleus of the atom, it’s the electrons too, and most importantly the space between.

God is in the cohesion, adhesion, attraction and repulsion that exists between all the varying forms and substances of existence.

God is the primordial ooze.

Now, is God conscious or aware of itself at this level?

Does God have a plan at this stage of its existence?

While I don’t think there is a plan in the general definition of the word, I do think the consciousness is there and that it may actually be stronger in this state of being than it is in the secondary consciousnesses it has manifested in order to experience the world or worlds it has made.

By secondary consciousness I’m referring to any living creature that is able to perceive itself as separate from its surroundings. Once this level of consciousness is achieved in an entity the God consciousness takes a back seat concentrating its energy on the seemingly autonomous functions of nature so that secondary consciousness may enjoy the experience of existence without having to think about the birth, function, death and regeneration of every cell within it.

This is why plants fascinate me. They are pure God consciousness striving to exist in whatever conditions will allow for their growth. I wrote a cheesy poem when I was a kid about the consciousness of a tree and what it might be like to feel the spark of life leave each cell of a fallen leaf.

This is not to say that god is not in rocks or even dead wood, its just that its ability to grow is subject to certain factors and in many cases the seemingly inanimate or dead parts of god are necessary building blocks for more growth. God knows this and is therefore content to be a rock, a drop of rain, a flame.. ..whatever it takes to keep the ball rolling, to keep growing and creating new forms of consciousness even so far as allowing the secondary forms of consciousness to create their own secondary forms of consciousness...

...such as artificial intelligence or the author of a novel or a child with an imaginary friend.

One could think of god as the author of a novel.. ..but it’s a really detailed novel, one that none of us could ever fully read as we are just the letters. We might be able to look to our left and right and determine what word we're in or, if we're exceptional, we may catch a glimpse of the sentence we're a part of. But reading this book would be like all of us trying to see the backs of our own heads. We need each other to describe it to one another and what we do see looks just a little different to each person that's seeing it....into infinity.

Do I believe in reincarnation?

Well...why waste a perfectly good secondary consciousness just because the living conditions expired?
It takes a considerable amount of work to get one of those going. If it’s possible to recycle them I don’t see why we wouldn’t.

I don’t think the secondary consciousness remains completely separate from the all or god consciousness during the transaction between bodies.

Sometimes it may and then other times it may merge completely back into the god consciousness. I think God allows it to choose or perhaps it must work its way back in through a series of necessary experiences or processes.

I believe there are applicable practices that can aid an individual in tapping in to the God consciousness within themselves even to the point of manifesting change within themselves or their surroundings. Tarot, the Sephiroth, and Yoga are as good a place to start as any.

Some people think they can do this type of work with out God or in spite of God and that they can become their own gods. God does not disagree nor does God mind if you don’t feel connected to it because God knows you are whether you like it or not.

You are a part of what keeps the ball rolling....

... but God feels its pain through your pain and its joy through your joy. It feel its vengeance through your vengeance, it’s wrath through your wrath and I like to think, most of all, it’s creation through your creation.. ..so if you do become your own god then you have God’s blessing. Why wouldn't you?

Or God is a big turtle with the world on it’s back, whatever floats your boat.


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