Dealing with conflict

When I'm confronted with conflict I often try to remove myself from the situation temporarily so that I can look at it through what I like to call my "god eyes". From this perspective it is easy to see that most all petty conflicts between human beings are rooted in the autonomic self-perpetuation of the ego. Upon the realization that we are all individualized parts of a singular collective consciousness, it becomes apparent that the characteristics we don't like about another person are distasteful because they some how threaten our sense of self...but our sense of self is only a small part of what we really are...the larger part includes all those annoying, hateful, wrathful bigots that we despise because they seem so separate and opposite from everything we try to represent. And for the most part they are separate and completely lost within themselves having never contemplated their connection to rest of the universe. As I'm sure the many have contemplated this connection at some point, it should be said that the true test of this knowledge is found in conflict. Will you accept the distasteful element as a part of the All within you, and attempt to understand the world through the eyes of someone you dislike or will you succumb to the needs of your ego and remain safely separated? The choice is always yours...and there is no wrong answer...
...though the harder choice is generally more rewarding in the long run.


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