This is the way the world ends...

You're scared because you don't want to die but you can't think of what to live for. I feel it to. I think a lot of people our age are feeling it. I believe we were brought up in a society of ever increasingly instant gratification. Freedoms hard fought through the bloodshed of our ancestors are easily squandered in the excesses of their recipients. Ages past had no idea the lengths to which the pursuit of comfort, leisure, drugs and thoughtless consuming would effect our current society. The only way to stop it is to start over and go back to doing things the hard way. There's too much entertainment and not enough true living taking place in our culture, so much entertainment that we've forgotten how to truly live. We work and we sleep and we buy and we are entertained, mildly enthused...sedated as our minds decay. We have to channel some new spirit of curiousity about the world because when we lose that connection, when we're so separate from the world that we're no longer interested in our place in it...then it will no longer be interested in us... When the symbiosis of our relationship with our environment ends... we end. We can not exist without the reflection of a real and physical world through which we create a true identity. There's simply too much distraction for individuals to come to terms with their identities these days. It's an effort most were never taught to make. There's no drug we can take to fix it. There's no DYI to watch on YouTube. It's just a sneaking suspicion anyhow... An itch deep inside that we seek to push deeper because it's bothersome and we don't know what to do with it so we drown it out with whatever's around...and it's so much easier to just get lost in a new television series...or some other form of addiction.

I beseech you to choose some form of discipline even if you can see no immediate purpose for it. Choose one and adhere to it as if your life depends on it...because it just might.


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