Random thoughts of today and 11:11

The best way to prepare for or avert any disaster is to keep a clear and discerning mind and you can't do that when it's clouded with blind fear and anger. So any leader that employs these tactics is using them to manipulate the people. The military does it...cults and religions do it...it's done in subtle ways by society and schools. Parents do it to their children, husbands to their wives and vice versa... This paradigm must shift. There has to be a better way for us to get each others attention.

Been thinking a lot about paradigms lately...those subtle things that affect our perceptions and actions ...that we take for granted because everyone has accepted them as the current reality...how drastically they've changed through time...and how much of what we perceive now will seem trite or archaic to future civilizations.

Because there's no end in the grand scheme of things theres only endless beginnings and endings expanding outward in every direction since the dawn of more inconceivable beginnings.

Been catching a lot of 11:11s lately. Almost twice a day for the last couple of months and when it's not that it's 1:11 and 12:12. When you see it every now and then it's easy to sort of brush it off even though it secretly feels like something special but when you start seeing them all the time it's hard not to think that something out there is trying to get your attention...or maybe numbers are all connected and it's happening because it's 11/11 as if the eleveness of things is amplified. And when I think of double elevens I get this impression of ripples in a pond. Rings of infinity vibrating outward... Dimensions expanding. And I zone out on it.


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